Excite Students with Your Meet The Teacher Letter

Looking for a way to build excitement for a new school year before the year even begins? Sending a beautiful and enthusiastic meet the teacher letter or postcard is the perfect way to make a good first impression! You’re probably wondering, what should my meet the teacher letter include? No worries, I’ve got your back! In this blog post, you’ll discover helpful tips, meet the teacher letter examples, and an exclusive freebie. Keep reading!

A few things to keep in mind before we get into the tips when writing your meet the teacher letter. One, you’re writing your letter for your prospective students AND their families. So make sure that your letter is appropriate for both audiences. Two, this letter will serve as a first impression so read over it a few times to ensure it is free of errors. Three, remember your goal when sending a meet the teacher letter is to build excitement for the upcoming school year while building a home-school connection!

Introduce Yourself With a Photo

Picture this – Sarah is starting second grade this school year. She feels nervous and anxious about many things during the upcoming year. Last week, she received her teacher assignment, but she just moved to town this summer. After opening her meet the teacher postcard, the first thing she sees is your warm smile. Immediately she smiles and a wave of relief washes over her.

As teachers, we know the power that a smile can carry – so use that power! Add a photo of yourself clearly displaying your beautiful smile. Your smile communicates that you are kind, warm, and trustworthy. Remember, this isn’t a beauty contest – your picture doesn’t need to be perfect. Stay focused on your goal to connect with your prospective students and excite them!

Some meet the teacher letters and postcards have a designated place to add your photo and some do not. Lucky for you, I’ve created a FREE meet the teacher letter template and postcard with a photo. You can download a free meet the teacher postcards here.

Include Relatable Facts About Yourself

After Sarah sees your photo she reads the header, “about me”. She asks her mom to read it aloud to her. Sarah learns that you are new to the school this year, just like her! She thinks it is cool that you like to read for fun, enjoy eating tacos, and that you have a dog named Teddy. She wants to know more about your dog and makes a mental note to ask you about him as soon as she can.

Share relevant and relatable facts about yourself. Keep your goal in mind – excite your students through this connection. What kinds of things would your students be interested to know about you? Do you have anything exciting or fun to share that makes you unique? What might you have in common with your learners that will help you to gain and build their trust? Some ideas to consider adding in your meet the teacher letter are listed below.

  • Your hobbies
  • Your family + pet(s)
  • Your interests
  • What you did this summer
  • Your favorite things

Furthermore, remember to keep these facts about yourself fun, relevant, and appropriate! The goal here is to excite your students by gaining their trust while sharing something about yourself. Keep scrolling for some more ideas and a few meet the teacher letter examples.

Share What YOU are Looking Forward to This School Year

After Sarah learns all about you, she is curious about what you’ll be doing together this school year. So, her mother continues reading your meet the teacher letter aloud. Sarah knows she will learn about dinosaurs that lived long ago and she will visit the Field Museum to see dinosaur fossils. She is especially excited to learn about money in math!

What better way to build anticipation for a new school year than to share something exciting?! You’re an awesome teacher who puts a lot of thought and time into your planning. I’m sure you have some fun activities and projects planned for the school year. So share some of your favorite projects and learning activities! Which lessons or units do your students love year after year? Include a little about those learning experiences. Also, this sends the message, “We are going to learn and have fun this school year!”. Some ideas to consider sharing with your prospective students about are listed below.

  • Academic units of study
  • Fun projects
  • Engaging experiments
  • Teambuilding experiences
  • Field Trips
  • School Events

Additional Things to Include to Make a Good First Impression

Next, there are a few more pieces of information to include in your meet the teacher letter or postcard. I always like to include my contact information. When you include this information in your meet the teacher letter, it demonstrates your desire to develop a home – school connection. In the past, I’ve had several students reach out via email before the school year has even started to share about their summers or tell me how excited they are for third grade. It’s an awesome way to connect with families and students throughout the school year!

Finally, you may want to include information about your education and/or experience. I don’t think this is always necessary, because our primary goal is to build a connection with our students. However, some guardians may be curious to know about our education and teaching experience. Also, I would share your completed letters with your administrator to get the thumbs up before sending them in the mail. Some administrators have a checklist of things to include – be sure to check before you start working on your letter!

Meet the Teacher Letter Examples

Below I have included several meet the teacher examples that will get your learners amped up for a new school year. You can find copies of all of these meet the teacher templates in different themes here.

Feeling Ready to Write Your Meet The Teacher Letter?

Writing a meet the teacher letter that allows you to connect with students AND excite them is THAT easy! To recap, include your beautiful smile, keep it simple and relatable, but don’t forget to share what you’re looking forward to this school year! Click to download your FREE meet the teacher postcards here! Before you go, what is one thing you always like to include in your meet the teacher letter? Share in the comments below so we can bloom and grow, together!

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